
Manchester Centre for Integrative Systems Biology
The Manchester Centre for Integrative Systems Biology (MCISB) at the University of Manchester has been awarded £6.4M by the BBSRC and EPSRC to pioneer the development of new experimental and computational technologies in Systems Biology, and their exploitation. It is one of six BBSRC Integrative Systems Biology Research Centres in the UK. Through its Doctoral Training Centre, it is also involved in teaching the theoretical and practical aspects of systems biology.
The MCISB is based on the second floor of the Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre (MIB).


Prof Douglas Kell (EPSRC/RSC Research Chair in Bioanalytical Science; Director, MCISB)
Prof David Broomhead (Chair in Applied Mathematics; Director, Turing Institute)
Prof Simon Gaskell (Professor of Mass Spectrometry; Director, Michael Barber Centre for Mass Spectrometry)
Prof John McCarthy (Professor of Chemical Biology; Director, Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre)
Prof Steve Oliver (Professor of Genomics; Director, Centre for the Analysis of Biological Complexity)
Prof Norman Paton (Chair in Computer Science; co-Director, Information Management Group)
Prof Hans Westerhoff (AstraZeneca Professor of Systems Biology, School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science)
Prof Pedro Mendes Manchester Centre for Integrative Systems Biology Principal Investigators (Management Team)

Dr Dieter Weichart Experimental Officers
The website of the Manchester Centre for Integrative Systems Biology.

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