
Anger Fear Sadness Happiness Disgust Acceptance Affection Aggression Ambivalence Apathy Anxiety Compassion Confusion Contempt Depression Doubt Ecstasy Empathy Envy Embarrassment Euphoria Forgiveness Frustration Happy Guilt Gratitude Grief Hatred Hope Horror Hostility HomesicknessPride Hysteria Loneliness Love Paranoia Pity Pleasure Pride Rage Regret Remorse Shame Suffering Surprise Sympathy Pride is the name of an emotion which refers to a strong sense of self-respect, a refusal to be humiliated as well as joy in the accomplishments of oneself or a person, group, nation or object that one identifies with. To think of self higher than anyone and everyone else. It is considered one of the seven deadly sins. According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, Proud comes from late Old English prud, probably from Old French prude "brave, valiant" (11th century), from Latin prode "advantageous, profitable", from prodesse "be useful". The sense of "having a high opinion of oneself", not in French, may reflect the Anglo-Saxons' opinion of the Norman knights who called themselves "proud", like the French knights preux.

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