See also Wikipedia:Wikipedia in the media.
References to Wikipedia in culture have increased as more people learn about and use the online encyclopedia project. Many parody Wikipedia's openness, with characters vandalising or modifying articles. Still others feature characters using the references as a source, or positively comparing a character's intelligence to Wikipedia. Also, the encyclopedia many times isn't used as an encyclopedia at all, but instead serves more as a character trait or even as a game.
This issue was written by Ty Templeton.
Of lesser importance
Bucky Katt looks at a vanity article about himself and his fictitious album, and shows the "evidence" to Satchel Pooch.

In the Homestar Runner cartoon No Hands On Deck!, Homestar Runner mentions that "'Kipedia said vulcanized was the way to go" in reference to the type of nails used to build a deck.
Citations of Wikipedia in culture
Wikipedia was satirized in The Onion with a front-page article ("Wikipedia Celebrates 750 Years of American Independence", July 2006), alluding to perceptions that the publicly editable site is an unreliable source of information..
Inaccuracies on Wikipedia in culture
In 2006, commenting to The New York Times on the demands on Central Intelligence Agency analysts to produce instant information, John E. McLaughlin, former acting U.S. Director of Central Intelligence, stated, "intelligence analysts end up being the Wikipedia of Washington".
Wikipedia as a character trait
Games can be played using the Wikipedia website, usually consisting of travelling from a "start article" to a "finish article" using internal links. Something Awful coined the term WikiGroaning to satirize undue weight between Wikipedia articles as judged by the size of an article on a trivial pop culture subject such as a Pokemon character versus the size of an article on a serious academic subject such as an ancient king.
Games that can be played on Wikipedia
Wikipedia is parodied at several websites, including Uncyclopedia and Wiqipedia.
In the July 2006 issue of Mad, in the Fundalini pages section there was a short joke with a mock picture of Wikipedia called "WonkyPedia." WonkyPedia featured its own logo, in which the letters on the puzzle globe were replaced with MAD characters and the letters M A D. The article shown was on Lincoln's assassination. The HTTP address followed the appropriate pattern: "". The same parody returned in the next issue as "Wakipedia". The phrase it advertised was "The Free Encyclopedia (you get what you pay for!)".
Likewise,, the online publication affiliated with former Mad rival Cracked, has satirized Wikipedia's maintenance templates. stating about himself, "...I'm looking at Wikipedia right now. Half Greek, half redneck, around 6-foot-4. And that's about it... The 6-foot-4 thing may be a little bit off. Actually, it's 4-foot-6."
On the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson a guest said that he just used Wikipedia to look up the ages of the girls in the Bratz movie.
In a recent Smosh video entitled Food Battle 2007 Ian and Anthony have a fight and see which is better as a squeegee Celery or Pink Frosted sprinkled dough nuts and Ian exclaims "I have you beat here Anthony cause if you spent more time on Wikipedia as I do you would know that before dough nuts were for eating they were squeegee's" then later you see him make a mess with his dough nut and he mumbles to himself "Wikipedia...bastards" showing how anyone can edit anything on wikipedia.
Wikipedia in web comics
^ Namely "Loxodonta", "African Forest Elephant", "African Bush Elephant", "Pachydermata", "Babar the Elephant", "Elephant", "Oregon", "George Washington", "Latchkey kid", "Serial killer", "Hitler", "The Colbert Report" and "Stephen Colbert" are/were temporarily protected. "Mûmak" (formerly at "Oliphaunt") has also been vandalized.
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